
星期三, 8月 31, 2005

9/7 New iPod發表會

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"1,000 songs in your pocket changed everything,"
但也是是2001第一代5G iPod mini推出時所使用的Slogan

MOTO iTunes手機
iPod video版本
iPod mini Flash版本
又或是iPod shuffle +LCD版本有關

Cnet News Link : Apple hints at big music announcement


Blogger Enzo said...

等退伍不知道發展到怎樣了....退伍再敗I POD吧!現在夏佛就很夠嚕...

5:58 下午

Anonymous 匿名 said...

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a art website picture of pablo picasso

That promotes my very good friend Mark Connors artwork that pretty much covers picture of pablo picasso
articles and other related themes.
Mark's work is the produce of his passion for art, when looking at every piece the attention to detail is nothing short of spectacular and many a person will notice different details upon each viewing, they are truly a joy to observe. There are many talented artists around the world but few achieve the effect in their work as Mark does, when looking at his work that there is more than just a painting or a illustration there is a element of fantasy behind each piece that brings the inner child out of you and draws you in.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)

11:43 下午

Anonymous 匿名 said...

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a art website drawing hand

That promotes my very good friend Mark Connors artwork that pretty much covers drawing hand
articles and other related themes.
Mark's work is the produce of his passion for art, when looking at every piece the attention to detail is nothing short of spectacular and many a person will notice different details upon each viewing, they are truly a joy to observe. There are many talented artists around the world but few achieve the effect in their work as Mark does, when looking at his work that there is more than just a painting or a illustration there is a element of fantasy behind each piece that brings the inner child out of you and draws you in.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)

5:13 上午

Anonymous 匿名 said...

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a art website edition limited print

That promotes my very good friend Mark Connors artwork that pretty much covers edition limited print
articles and other related themes.
Mark's work is the produce of his passion for art, when looking at every piece the attention to detail is nothing short of spectacular and many a person will notice different details upon each viewing, they are truly a joy to observe. There are many talented artists around the world but few achieve the effect in their work as Mark does, when looking at his work that there is more than just a painting or a illustration there is a element of fantasy behind each piece that brings the inner child out of you and draws you in.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)

5:41 上午

Anonymous 匿名 said...

Nice Blog about home based jewelry business. I also have a Blog/Website about home based jewelry business which is why I enjoyed this blog so much. Keep up the excellent work! Check out my site if you have a moment.

11:59 下午



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