Google Gmail 外掛總覽
除了Gmail FS以外
Google有對Gmail核心小小的做更動禁止"舊版"Gmail FS登入以外
- Official Gmail Notifier from Google (beta) - Downloadable Windows application that alerts you when you have new Gmail messages.
- GMNotifier - More configurable notifier based on .NET (Via here)
- Gmail Search Extension - Search your Gmail account from the Firefox search bar
- Gmail Tray - A search box for the Windows taskbar
- Gmail Notifier - Firefox extension, installs an icon on your toolbar that displays the amount of new messages in your inbox (previous post)
- Gmail-to - Associate all mailto: links with Gmail as opposed to Outlook
- Gmail-to Bookmarklet - Compose messages from your Gmail account from any page (previous post)
- Gmailit - Bookmarklet to send the current page you're viewing to someone through Gmail
- GMail Loader (GML) - Cross platform application forwards your existing email to Gmail
- Pop Goes the GMail - Gmail > POP3 converter
- gExodus - Graphical user interface tool allows you to import your emails into your Gmail account.
- gCount - a menu bar item for Mac OS X 10.3 or later that displays the number of unread messages in the inbox (Via Google Blogoscoped)
- GMail, RSS Feeds - Retrieve notifications of new mail through RSS
- Gmail as online backup system - .php script to back up files to Gmail and retrieve them
- Gmail in Opera - Use Gmail with the Opera browser, which currently is unsupported
- Gmail Gems - Tips and Tricks to use Gmail more efficiently
- Unread Gmail - Create a label called "Unread", Gmail will automatically add all unread items to it (Via Gmail Wiki)
- PINE Addressbook to Gmail - Export addressbook in CSV format from PINE to Gmail. Via here
- GmailFS - Gmail Filesystem - GmailFS provides a mountable Linux filesystem which uses your Gmail account as its storage medium. (Via
- GSuite - Lets you access and use Gmail from a mini-browser in the system tray
- GmailStatus - Shows the number of unread messages in the Mac OSX menubar
- gmail copy - Command line utility to copy files to and from gmail (Via
- GMailer (libgmailer) - A PHP library/class that helps you accessing/checking/using GMail through PHP scripts. (A blog that uses this to convert Gmail messages into the blog posts)
- Gmail icon generator - Create an image of your Gmail address to minimize spam exposure (Via here)
- Gmail Agent API - Open Source extensible foundation for interfacing with Gmail. Written for .NET framework
- You've Got Gmail - Gmail Notifier for Trillian Messenger Pro (Via
- Gmail-Mobile - Use Gmail from a WAP enabled device with .php (Via here)
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